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Ponzi, Inc // Coins cheat

Posted by infinite hax Saturday, December 19, 2009

 1 of our readers, DeadLycorE has emailed me regarding his cheat on Ponzi, Inc. It's working great so let's all get rich on Ponzi! A really fun corporate game on facebook.

Credits: DeadLycore, Pwnthis    

(if you're sharing this on your site, kindly credit us for our effort. Thank you)

The idea of this cheat is to change the 1 minute job payout into 10 million. Sounds pretty awesome ain't it?
You will immediately reach level 18 with just a single usage of this cheat.


Click to play Ponzi,Inc

  1. Go into Ponzi,Inc
  2. Open Charles Proxy
  3. Do the Job Meeting Planning Meeting (1 minute job)
  4. On Charles, expand 'ponzi.fbgames.com', expand 'jobs/', expand 'perform/'
  5. You will see this line '1.xml?fb_sig_in_iframe_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' (x =Numbers)
  6. Right click this line and click Edit. 
  7. Click 'XML Text' at the bottom
  8. You will see something like this


  9. Change it to  
    and click execute. A new xml line will appear
  10. Wait for the job to end, claim the payout.
  11. Refresh Ponzi. While Ponzi is refreshing, go to Charles and right click the new xml line and click 'Repeat'
  12. A new payout with 10million will appear. Cash it! (if this does not appear, refresh the game again as you are probably too quick. Watch video if unclear)


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