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Happy Aquarium Proxy Cheat

Posted by infinite hax Friday, December 25, 2009

Credits Asad()@pwnthis

  1. Open charles 
  2. Go into Happy Aquarium (link)
  3. Train a fish. You have to click some coins in order to gain coins. You will need to complete the training.
  4. Back in Charles, you will see this line "http://aquarium.crowdstar.com"
  5. Expand to see "comm/". Expand to see "trials_finish.php"
    (if you failed a few times, there may be more "trails_finish.php. Choose the last one)
  6. Right click it and select Repeat Advanced. Select 100,000 for iterations and 5 for concurrency.
  7. Upon refresh, exp and coins will be updated. Have fun!

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