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Pet Society // last 6 MB items

Posted by infinite hax

Click to Download Database

Some1 was asking for the last 6 mystery box items database, so here goes.

How to use the database loophole?

  • Do the same usual stuff for those who know how to do it.  
  • For new people using this cheat, read the full working steps click here (link)


Happy New Year 2010

Posted by infinite hax

Wishing everyone at www.pwnthis.net a very happy new year! Hopefully 2009 has been an awesome year for you guys and 2010 will be even better!


Pet Society // Blue Coins items

Posted by infinite hax

This is an exhaustive list of Pet Society's Cash items compiled by PSfan. I believe there are future and past items in this database. So for those of you with blue coins, buy away. Do not worry that your account will be terminated for using this database as we have been using it for months to purchase mysterybox and future items.

 How to use the database loophole?
  • Do the same usual stuff.  
  • Full working steps click here (link)


Farmville // X'mas gifts FVcash cheat

Posted by infinite hax

Click to play Farmville

Credits: flameman & Li i-yen @ fREE2SW4U

Tested as at 31st Dec and working perfectly.


  • ce5.5
  • firefox
Steps (video tutorial below):
  1. Go into Farmville
  2. You will need at least 5 presents in the Holiday Tree for this cheat to work.
  3. Make sure your FVcash is less than 5 to prevent spending of your real FVcash. 
  4. Open ce5.5 (values: double)
  5. Scan current exp points. Plow a ground/harvest and next scan new exp points till only 1 address left.
  6. Add a "+88" at the add of the address  (example: 11783310+88)
  7. The value shown will be your current FVcash amount. Make sure it's below 5!
  8. Change the value to 100.
  9. Now click on the holiday tree. If you have 5 gifts, you can trade the 5 gifts and 5 FVcash for a random cash item. Start collecting your presents now!


Farm Valley on Facebook // coins+exp

Posted by infinite hax

Credits RedScarlet @ pwnthis


  • ce5.5
  • firefox

1. Go into Farm Valley ( http://apps.facebook.com/farmvalley/play.php )
2. Select firefox.exe in CE 5.5
3. Change value type to 'binary'
4. Scan current coin value
5. Get some coins or spend some coins
6. NEXT scan new coin value
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till 1 address remains
8. Change the value to any binary value. If you are not sure of binaries, just put ALOT of 1111111111111111111
9.Get some coins or spend some coins and then you'll see your new coin (Still Saves After Refresh)

EXP Hack Steps:
1. Go into Farm Valley ( http://apps.facebook.com/farmvalley/play.php )
2. Select firefox.exe in CE 5.5
3. Change value type to 'binary'
4. Scan current EXP
5. Plow or do something to change you EXP
6. NEXT scan new EXP
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till 1 address remains
Change the value to any binary value. If you are not sure of binaries, just put ALOT of 1111111111111111111
9.Get some coins or spend some coins and then you'll see your level rise up (Still Saves After Refresh)


Pet Society // Golden Poo cheat (working)

Posted by infinite hax

Credits: 2010HackGames

Tools (download in the tools section):

  • Flash 9 
  • ce 5.5
  • firefox
You must be using Flash 9 in order to be able to scan for the following values.
  1. Go into Pet Society
  2. Open ce5.5 (tick hex, value: 'array of bytes', tick ASROM)
  3. Scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74"
  4. 1 address returned. > Disassemble this memory region. 
  5. Right click the selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
  6. New scan "0F 8F 0A 00 00 00 B8 04 00 00 00 E9 0E 03 00" 
  7. 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region.
  8. You will see this line "jg xxxxxxxx"
  9. Change the "jg" to "jmp"
  10. New scan "0F 85 22 01 00 00 8B 43 10 85 C0 0F 84 7E 05" 
  11. Disassemble this memory region
  12. You will see this line "jne xxxxxxxx". Right click and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  13. A few lines down you will see "je xxxxxxxx". Right click and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
If no addresses returned, you are probably using the wrong flash version.

Pet Society // Coins + Exp cheat (not working well)

Posted by infinite hax

Seems like alot of people are saying this cheat doesn't work. I cant really test it out now as im still overseas and my laptop has no programs to debug it for you guys. So i would say, don't bother trying out unless you have the time. Btw, flash 9 needed for this to search for all the 4 arrays.

Credits: EnrikezZ. Source: Justin

Tools (all can be downloaded from our tools section):

  • ce5.5 
  • firefox
  • flash 9
  1. Go into Pet Society
  2. Brush your pet till you get coins.
  3. Open ce5.5
  4. Select browser in the process list (tick hex, value type: "array of bytes", tick "also scan read-only memory"
  5. Scan "0F 84 DD 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B 73 08 8B 8E EC"
  6. 1 address returned. Right click and disassemble.
  7. You will see the line "je XXXXXX" (X = digits)
  8. Right click this line and select "replace with code that does nothing"
  9. New scan "0F 8F B6 05 00 00 8B 7D D0 8B 87 20 02 00 00" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
  10. New scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
  11. New scan "FF 51 0C 83 C4 0C C7 43 20 00 00 00 00 8B 5D" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
  12. Now go back to Pet Society and brush or wash your pet and coins will start rolling in.
flash 9 needed for addresses

Icy Tower // Coins and Trophy cheat

Posted by infinite hax

 Credits: gotit @ R2O
Tested and working.


  1. Open Charles. Make sure it's recording sessions in firefox
  2. Go into Icy Tower. Click to play. (link)
  3. Play any tower, get a few coins and save the game. (it will auto save when you lose the game)
  4. Now look in Charles for these lines:
    'http://iftb.fldserver1.com or http://iftb.fldserver2.com'
  5. Expand the folder inside and search for the line "put_results.php"
  6. Right click this line and select "Repeat Advanced"
  7. As usual, 100000 for iterations and 5 for concurrency
  8. After game refresh, you will get lots of coins and trophies. Have fun  


Happy Aquarium // Coins cheat version 2

Posted by infinite hax

Credits: b0yn0@pwnthis


  1. Open charles 
  2. Go into Happy Aquarium (link)
  3. Visit a neighbor and collect the coins
  4. Back in Charles, you will see this line "http://aquarium.crowdstar.com"
  5. Expand to see "comm/". Expand to see "collect_coins.php"
  6. Right click it and select Repeat Advanced. Select 100,000 for iterations and 5 for concurrency.
  7. Upon refresh, exp and coins will be updated. Have fun!

Happy Aquarium Proxy Cheat

Posted by infinite hax

Credits Asad()@pwnthis

  1. Open charles 
  2. Go into Happy Aquarium (link)
  3. Train a fish. You have to click some coins in order to gain coins. You will need to complete the training.
  4. Back in Charles, you will see this line "http://aquarium.crowdstar.com"
  5. Expand to see "comm/". Expand to see "trials_finish.php"
    (if you failed a few times, there may be more "trails_finish.php. Choose the last one)
  6. Right click it and select Repeat Advanced. Select 100,000 for iterations and 5 for concurrency.
  7. Upon refresh, exp and coins will be updated. Have fun!

Restaurant City // Nameless rc cheat

Posted by infinite hax

If you guys recall, nameless created a coin cheat which involves alot of  steps. He has came out with a tool that simplifies everything and requires you to only constantly shift furniture to activate the save function which will results in the addition of coins. Shifting of furniture can of coz be done with a mouse recorder :)

Credits: who else but nameless. hehe, thanks for your mail.

  1. Go into Restaurant City 
  2. Open nameless rc tool
  3. Click ok and wait for a pop up to say that cheat is activated. (note: you must be in RC)
  4. Now just go to decorate and shift some furniture to save the game. 
  5. You will get coins each time you save the game. Coins will only be reflected upon refresh of game.

Restaurant City // 3 free oranges

Posted by infinite hax

Click these links to get your free oranges if you have NOT done so. Source free2sw4u.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Just click all 3 links. The next time you enter restaurant city, you will have 3 oranges pop-ups.

Cafe World // Automation Tool

Posted by infinite hax

  • CW tool by TigerZZ (download)
  • any browser
Filename: CW-Cheat-24-Dec-2009.zip
Scan finished. 1 out of 21 scanners reported malware.
Scan taken on:  Thu 24 Dec 2009 14:03:33 (CET) Permalink

Well, 1 scanner detected a virus out of 21. If you're afraid, nobody is forcing you to download :) But i say it's safe.
    1. Open CW tool and select the browser that you are using.
    2. Go into Cafe World.
    3. While loading, click start.
    4. Wait for your FB ID to appear.
    5. Click $$$ after the FB ID appears.

    Cafe World // not working anymore

    Posted by infinite hax

    Some of you guys were asking for this cheat as you do not want your friends to notice that you were cheating. So I hope this cheat is of help to you.

    Credits:Aaron Yao@fREE2SW4U, istroke@r2o

    1. Open Charles
    2. Go into Cafe World  
    3. Visit a friend, eat the food and return to your cafe.
    4. In Charles, look at the 'Structure' tab. 
    5. Find for the line "http://fb-client-1.cafe.zynga.com" or "http://fb-client-0.cafe.zynga.com"
    6. Expand 'current' > 'lib' > 'amfphp'
    7. You should see the line 'gateway.php(YoCafeRemote.saveData)
      note: there may be a few, check step 8 to make sure you got the correct line.
    8. Click on the request tab  and you should see 'friendMission' as the value of the String.
    9. Right click this gateway.php(YoCafeRemote.saveData and select Edit
    10. On the bottom of the right window, select 'AMF'
    11. Change the String 'friendMission' to 'updatedTutorialStep'
    12. Expand the [4] Object  and you will see a 'leave_tip' field with a value of 1. 
    13. Change 'leave_tip' to 'step'
    14. Change '1' to '50'
    15. Click execute. And you will immediately get $2500
    16. A new gateway.php (YoCafeRemote.saveData) should appear. Click it and click on the 'Request tab' 
    17. You should now see a 'pwnthis' for the String.
    18. Right click this line and select 'Repeat Advanced' 100,000 for iterations and 5 for concurreny.
    19. Now just leave Charles to run. Coins will increase without the exp.

    Ninja Saga // Coins cheat

    Posted by infinite hax

    Credits: heiqiyifu93

    Tested this cheat and it's working really great. Managed to save it too. Just cheat with some control. Don't cheat too much as there will be a greater risk of getting banned. I have 800,000+ for a really long time since the last cheat and i have not gotten banned yet. This amount is enough to last you for a really long time.

    Tools required:

    Click to play Ninja Saga

    Steps :
    1. Open Charles
    2. Go into Ninja Saga
    3. Start a mission. Preferably a mission with multiple enemies to fight.
    4. Each time you killed an enemy, you will receive some gold. In Charles, expand  http://app.ninjasaga.com> and search for '(CharacterDAO.updateGold)'
    5. Right click it and select 'Repeat Advanced'
    6. Iterations = 100,000 and concurrency = 5
    7. Do this for all the CharacterDAO.updateGold that you find in Charles. 
    8. On refresh, the coins will appear. As mentioned, cheat wisely


    Islander // Coins + Exp cheat

    Posted by infinite hax

    Similar game to Island Paradise and all those farming games. Bahh.

    Credits: Justin


    • ce5.5
    • browser
    1. Select browser in ce5.5
    2. Go into Islander (play now)
    3. Scan current value of coins
    4. Spend some. Next scan new value of coins till 3 addresses remain.
    5. Change all the 3 values to any amount you want. Have fun spending.
    6. Do the same for experience points

    Farmville Database cheat // 100% success fix

    Posted by infinite hax

    To whoever is pm-ing me on chatango, my laptop cant seem to process back-dated messages. Sorry for not being able to reply. Traveling at the moment. Updates as usual as I have my laptop and wireless =D.

    This is a 100% fix to the previous fiddler2 farmville cheat here (link). That cheat doesnt work all the time but with this fix by aaron_yao, you will always get the item you want.

    Credits : iTutz101
    Publish : R2O, ZC Miko
    100% Get Idea:Aaron Yao
     Source: free2sw4u

    Download the latest version of farmville gameSettings.xml here (download)

    1. Follow steps 1 to steps 8 from the original cheat (link)
    2. Now you will need 2 DairyFarm.  Let's name them DairyFarm A and DairyFarm B.
    3. Leave DairyFarm A empty. Have 2 cows in the other DairyFarm B.
    4. Send 1 cow from DairyFarm B to DairyFarm A.
    5. Go visit a fren and return to your farm.
    6. DairyFarm A should not be ready for harvest.
    7. Now send your farmer far away from DairyFarm A.
    8. Now send him to collect milk from DairyFarm A. 
    9. While your farmer is walking over, Go to market>animals and buy your cashitems or whatever items that you've inserted into the database.
    10. Impt: The moment your collection of milk is 100%, place your cash item into the DairyFarm.
    11. Wait for in sync error and refresh the game. The cash item will be in the DairyFarm
    Steps to add your own items.
    1.  Open the above gameSettings.xml with notepad
    2. Ctrl-F "pwnthis" and add items like this bull
    3. Now find the item to change the type and price.
    4. For cash items, Delete those highlighted in Red as shown in the image below.

    5. Always remember to Change the 'type' into 'animal' The edited item should look like the image below

    6. Have fun scrolling through the numerous items and editing them to your liking. Just remember to always update your Fiddler2 gameSettings.xml when you have changed it.

      Restaurant City // Coins cheat

      Posted by infinite hax



      • Firefox 3.5
      • Cheat engine 5.5

      Follow these steps:

      a) Log into Restaurant City
      b) Open CE and select browser. ( Tick Hex, 8bytes, ASROM)
      c) Click the tree in the game.
      d) Scan "F98BE8558DE85D89"
      e)  Re-click the address, and check "Disassemble Memory Region"
      f) Scroll up and find the "je xxxxxxxx", Right-click, select "Replace with code that does nothing". Click Ok.
      g) Go back to the game and start clicking on the trees and the coins will just keep popping.


      Farmville // Database cheat

      Posted by infinite hax

      Credits to itutz101
      Source : R2O, ZCmiko

      I have compiled a niffy piece of database for you guys to start on.
      Just follow the steps and it will work fine. I believe the cheat is not 100% functional. But i managed to get 3 tries out of 5 tries to work. So you should still get it to work more often than fail.

      • Fiddler2 (Download)
      • .NET Framework 2.0 (only download this if Fiddler2 is not working for you) ( Download ) 
      • Google Chrome / IE
      • FVDatabase (Download)  This copy of gameSettings.xml already has some cash items+villa converted into 1 coins item for you guys as shown in the screenshot above. Level 1 can start buying the villa. Have fun!
        For a clean, unedited copy of gameSettings.xml, go to http://static-facebook.farmville.com/v10887/gameSettings.xml  and save it to your computer.

      1. Download the FV Database above.
      2. Open Fiddler2
      3. Click AutoResponder

      4. Click Add

      5. At the bottom, in the rule editor, paste this line  regex:(?insx)^http://.*gameSettings\.xml   into the left box highlighted in red as shown below

      6. Click on the arrow down box and scroll down to click on 'Find a file'
      7. Browse to the gameSettings.xml that you have downloaded in the FVDatabase and click Save
      8. Now load your Farmville in Chrome or IE or Firefox if you have set the correct settings to capture traffic from the respective browsers. (note: chrome and ie is auto detected by fiddler2)
      9. Now go to Market > Animals
      10. Buy a FVcash item that you want for cheap coins and put it in the 'DairyFarm' (you need a DairyFarm).
      11. Go visit a friend and return back to your farm.
      12. The game may have out of sync error. Just refresh and the item is still in your DairyFarm.
      13. Take it out. It may be invisible, just visit a friend again and you can see your item when you return to your farm.
      14. For more items, Add additional items into the gameSettings.xml
      Adding more items into gameSettings.xml
      1. Open gameSettings.xml in Notepad.
      2. Ctrl-F "www.pwnthis.net" (only search this if you are using my copy of database)
      3. Add any items you want below that line. ie: villa
      4. Now find the item to change the type and price.
      5. For cash items, Delete those highlighted in Red as shown in the image below.

      6. Always remember to Change the 'type' into 'animal' The edited item should look like the image below

      7. Have fun scrolling through the numerous items and editing them to your liking. Just remember to always update your Fiddler2 gameSettings.xml when you have changed it.
      * dont open farmville while editing the script the market will not show the hacked item
      * for some users it wont be sucessful on the 1st try but it will work 100 % just try and try
      * the first step is an unedited script of farmville list of market and dairy farm download it
      * make sure your current coins is less than the items that you are hacking or else it will deduct the normal price to your coins

      QUESTION: why cant i put the item in the dairy farm

      ANSWER: for some items especially on large ones just try put only the edge of the item over the dairy farm

      QUESTION: why does the sync message pop up

      ANSWER: sometimes the sync message will pop up but it is normal but make sure that you visited your neighbor or at least loading message appears before sync pops up

      QUESTION: why cant i see the item in the animal section

      ANSWER: please make sure that when editing the script you are not in farmville the item will not be appear

      QUESTION: why cant i see the item even when im not in farmville when editing the script

      ANSWER: use the fiddler first and do the instruction before going into farmville if the item is still not in the market animal section refresh your page and for sure the item will be shown in the animal section of the market

      QUESTION: can i do it with higher items and cash items

      ANSWER: yes you can, when doing higher items just make sure you also edit the level requirement so that it will fit your level and when doing the cash items make sure you follow the intruction very well in deleting vertain values in the script

      QUESTION: does the dairy farm needs to be empty?

      ANSWER: you just need 1 slot to do it not necessary empty but for me i always do it with empty dairy farm

      QUESTION: why cant i buy the items even when it is in the animal section

      ANSWER: some items needs a level requirement make sure you edit the level requirement for that item when doing step 5 you will also see there a level requirement edit it to level 1 or anything you like just make sure it is lower than your level and make sure you edit the price or it will be the same price as the original one.


        Happy Habitat // Coins, Exp, Goldbar Cheats

        Posted by infinite hax

        A farming crops + breeding animals game. You grow plants to feed the animals who will mature and mate to give birth and expand the eco-system. Go breed some panda bears now!

        • ce5.5
        • browser
        • flash 10

        Coins Cheat Steps by pwnthis:
        1. Go into Happy Habitat (link to play above)
        2. Open ce5.5 (4 bytes)
        3. Scan current amount of coins. Spend some of it. Next scan new amount of coins.
        4. 1 address left. Change the value to any amount you want. Have fun spending!
          Refreshed and coins remain.
        Gold Bar Cheat Steps by Jack:
        1. With the address from the previous coin cheat, click Add address manually.
        2. Copy the address from the coin cheat and paste into the Address. 
        3. Add a '+4' to the end of the address. (example: xxxxxxxx+4)
        4. The value will be your Gold Bar value. Change it to any amount you want.
        Exp Cheat Steps by pwnthis:
        1. Scan current amount of exp
        2. Mate or do something to gain exp
        3. Next scan new amount of exp till 2 addresses remain
        4. Change both value to any amount you want. You will level up rapidly.
        All cheats have been tested and works perfectly fine even after refresh.


          Restaurant City // Decorate Glitch

          Posted by infinite hax

          Credits: BloggerBoy

          Want to have a Christmas Tree or some wild mushrooms in your restaurant? Well, with this glitch, you can even maze your restaurant with the hedges.

          1. Place a furniture on the spot where you want the Outdoor item to be. 
          2. Go to the Outdoor items section with the item that you want.
          3. Click and drag the furniture to the green check button
          4. Click the Outdoor item and place it on the spot where the furniture was.
          5. Click save.


          Cafe World // Proxy Cheat Extended

          Posted by infinite hax



          Ponzi, Inc // Coins cheat

          Posted by infinite hax

           1 of our readers, DeadLycorE has emailed me regarding his cheat on Ponzi, Inc. It's working great so let's all get rich on Ponzi! A really fun corporate game on facebook.

          Credits: DeadLycore, Pwnthis    

          (if you're sharing this on your site, kindly credit us for our effort. Thank you)

          The idea of this cheat is to change the 1 minute job payout into 10 million. Sounds pretty awesome ain't it?
          You will immediately reach level 18 with just a single usage of this cheat.


          Click to play Ponzi,Inc

          1. Go into Ponzi,Inc
          2. Open Charles Proxy
          3. Do the Job Meeting Planning Meeting (1 minute job)
          4. On Charles, expand 'ponzi.fbgames.com', expand 'jobs/', expand 'perform/'
          5. You will see this line '1.xml?fb_sig_in_iframe_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' (x =Numbers)
          6. Right click this line and click Edit. 
          7. Click 'XML Text' at the bottom
          8. You will see something like this


          9. Change it to  
            and click execute. A new xml line will appear
          10. Wait for the job to end, claim the payout.
          11. Refresh Ponzi. While Ponzi is refreshing, go to Charles and right click the new xml line and click 'Repeat'
          12. A new payout with 10million will appear. Cash it! (if this does not appear, refresh the game again as you are probably too quick. Watch video if unclear)


          Happy Island // Coins + Exp cheat

          Posted by infinite hax

          With coins, you can easily gain exp too by purchasing the expensive items. Within 15mins, i have got from lvl 1 to lvl 21. As usual, I'm not gonna say crap like do not leech or whatever. It's the frickin Internet kiddo. Feel free to share this cheat, just remember to credit me. 

          Credits: www.pwnthis.net

          Click to play Happy Island. By the makers of Happy pets and Happy aquarium.
          Tools required:
          • ce5.5
          • flash 10
          • flock/firefox
          1. Go into Happy Island
          2. Open ce5.5 (value type: 4bytes)
          3. Hover over any buildings. You should see a counter - xx/500.(xx is any digits)
          4. Scan the current 'xx' value
          5. Wait for customers to spend in that building for the 'xx' to increase.
          6. Next scan the new 'xx' value. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till only 1 address remain.
          7. Now change the 'xx' to '500'  (max value is 500 now. For those that were too late, we used to be able to get 99999 each time)
          8. Click on the building and move it. The counter will now be 500/500
          9. Click the moneybag.


          Farmville // 100% Golden Chicken [new & working]

          Posted by infinite hax

          The last method has already been fixed. This new method is the same except with a different address. Works 100%. 
          Note: Make sure your FVcash value is LESSER than the cost of the golden chicken. Else you may accidently waste your FVcash.

          Credits: Aaron Yao. Special thx to freesw4u

          Click to play Farmville

          Tools required:

          • ce5.5
          • firefox
          • fast fingers

          1. You will need 1 chicken coop (5000) and 2 dairy farm (10,000)
          2. Open the above image in a new tab for a bigger view
          3. Building 1 will have 2 cows. Building 2 will have 0 cows. Make sure both buildings do not have the harvest pink arrow above them.
          4. Now click on Building 1 > Look inside
          5. Click 'Use' on any cow and click on Building 2.
          6. Now Building 2 has 1 cow and Building 1 has 1 cow.
          7. Go visit a friend and return to your farm. Building 2 should have a harvest pink arrow above it now.
          8. Now in ce5.5, scan your current EXP (value: Double). 1 result returned (if not, do something to gain exp and next scan till only 1 address remains)
          9. Double click the address and add '+ 88' at the end of it.  (xxxxxxx+88)
            The value will now show your FVcash value.
          10. Change the FVcash value to 100.
          11. Now in Farmville, move your Farmer far away from Building 2.
          12. Click building 2, collect milk. The farmer will be walking over. In the meantime, go to market and buy a golden chicken.
          13. Impt step: Wait until the harvesting of the milk is 100%, immediately click the golden chicken into the Chicken Coop. It has to be 100% when you click the golden chicken into the Coop.
          14. Wait a while and refresh the game. Golden Chicken will be in the Coop on refresh.


          Restaurant Life // Coins cheat

          Posted by infinite hax

          Click to play Restaurant Life. Another similar restaurant game with realistic graphics.

          Credits: BloggerBoy

          • ce5.5
          • flash 10
          • browser
          1. Attach browser to ce5.5
          2. Scan current value of coins in ce5.5 (Double value, tick ASROM)
          3. Spend some coins.
          4. Next scan new value of coins till only 1 address left.
          5. Change the value to any amount you want.
          6. Spend. Refresh. Items and coins remain.


          Country Story // Combo Tool

          Posted by infinite hax

           Tool by TigerZZ

          Country Story has some really nice Christmas items for sale now. For those who are rich from the previous coin cheat (no longer functional), spend on these limited edition items. For the rest, this tool allows you to have unlimited stamina and unlimited water and also coins + exp when you activate all 3 cheats

          Click to download tool
          Filename: CSCheat.exe
          Scan finished. 0 out of 21 scanners reported malware.
          Scan taken on:  Fri 18 Dec 2009 17:26:19 (CET) Permalink

          1. Go into Country Story 
          2. Open CStool. See above image for translation
          3. Water a plant
          4. Click Start in CStool
          5. Click Scan in CStool
          6. Now all the buttons should be clickable. Select all the 3 cheats and water a plot. You can spam the plot for coins and exp. Use a mouse recorder. Have fun!


          Restaurant City // Combo tool by TigerZZ

          Posted by infinite hax

          Pretty much like Piaip's tool but with the added +2000 exp per dish functionality.
          This tool is easy to use. Just follow the image and you will know which buttons is for what.

          Click to download TigerZZ Rc Tool (select your fave. provider)

          1. Go into Restaurant City 
          2. Open Rc tool. (download link above)
          3. Select your browser. 
          4. Click 'Start'
          5. Click 'Scan add' (let the tool scan for all the addresses)
          6. After the scan, the buttons will be clickable. Select the cheats you want. 
          7. Click +2000 for 2000 exp per dish. Note: you may need to serve a dish while scanning in step 5 to find the address to dishes' exp.

          Tool by TigerZZ, thanks to Justin.


          Pet Society // Latest Mysterybox Items 17 Dec

          Posted by infinite hax

          Thanks to PSfan who did this while i'm away. So as usual, don't waste your coins on mystery boxes getting useless junks. Just purchase the latest 3 MB items with this database.
          I'm not gonna say crap like who can't post this or whatever as we are all here to share. If you don't want to share, dont f**king post it on the internet, noobz0r. And have fun wank*nggayf@g.And make your own images.

          Click to download database (select your preferred provider)


          • Fiddler  
          • IE/Google Chrome
          • Latest database 2.8.9 (download link above) 

          1. Open Fiddler 
          2. Click 'Clear cache' if this is not your first time using Fiddler. Try to clear your browser cache too.
          3. Go into Pet Society
          4. In Fiddler, search for this line '/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopLuxuryXXXX.dat  (the X are digits that changes every update)
          5. Right click this line, copy > just url
          6. Go to Autoresponder  (see below image www.pwnthis.net)
          7. Click Add
          8. The url that you copied will appear.
          9. Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
          10. Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me
          11. Click Save
          12. Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
          13. Enter the Luxury Shop and you should see the mysterybox items. Have fun!

          I'm back.....

          Posted by infinite hax

          .... after a week in the jungle. Sun-burnt. Tanned. Tired.

          Thanks to those who have been updating my site for me.. Appreciate it alot! Have not had time to reply to emails too as the jungle has no internet O.O


          Restaurant City // New piaipRCHack v1.18 (include flash 9 version)

          Posted by infinite hax

          Click to play Restaurant City.

          Credits: free2Sw, piaip

          piaip just included flash 9 for the hack...

          For those interested, please get it via here

          Version 1.18
          * Support both Flash 9 and 10 again
          (This version is almost identical to v1.17, unless you want to use Flash 9)
          * fixed stamina, fast eat,


          Farmtown // Coin and Exp Hack

          Posted by infinite hax

          Click here to play Farm Town.

          Credits: iStroke, fREE2Software, R2O

          To those who have used Charles Web Debugging Proxy for Café World, and who are playing Farm Town too, you may consider using the same tool for Farm Town. The steps are similar.

          Tools required:
          1) Firefox3.5.X
          2) Adobe Flash Player 9/10
          3) Charles Web Debugging Proxy (download link 1 | download link 2 | download link 3)
          (for download link 1, just key the number at the right hand corner and click on the button below. See screenshot below.)

          4) Java to run Charles Web Debugging Proxy (download here)

          1. If you have not install Charles Web Debugging Proxy, install it now. Else just open it.

          2. Go to Farm Town.
          3. Visit Neighbour and help neighbour to gain money and exp.
          4. Go back to Charles Web Debugging Proxy. You will be able to see "http://w[X].slashkey.com" where  [X] refers to a number.
          *Must start with 'w'.
          5. Open folder [facebok] then [farm]
          6. Click on the 'ajax.php?do=completed...'.
          7. Right click the "ajax.php" and choose "Repeat Advance"
          8. Enter Iterations: 50000. Enter Concurrency: 5. Click Ok.
          9. Let the Charles Web Debugging Proxy run. When the session complete the iterations, you will refresh your Farm Town and see the increase in experience and cash!

          Have fun!


          Pet Society // Brush for Coins

          Posted by infinite hax

          Click to Play Pet Society Now! 

          Credits: Petsocietynews, Patiniox, BloggerBoy, Facebookhax, Spyke

          Warning: It may be a slow process so is up to individual's opinion to test out this cheat.
          I tested it again and it seems stable for me.  But if you really want to just earn money without doing much, maybe the Pet Society // Auto Jumping is a better option (though it is equally slow too.)

          Tools Required:
          * flash 9 only! (im using 9.0 r159)
          * ce5.5
          * firefox

          1. Enter the game. Brush your pet. Then go and buy something e.g. an Apple.
          2. Search for address 110FF2D045590FF2
          (Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
          3. Right click on the results and Select 'Disassemble this memory region'
          4. Right click on the entry and Choose 'Go to address'
          5. Copy the address in the Generator 1's first box
          6. Search for address 0000020c8689c703
          (Hex.4 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
          *NOTE it is 4 bytes!
          7. Select the BLACK colour address. It is usually starting with the same first 3 characters as the address in Step 3.
          8. Right click on the results and Select 'Disassemble this memory region'
          9. Right click on the entry and Choose 'Go to address'
          10. Copy the address in the Generator 1's second box
          11. Click 'Generate'. Copy the text box
          12. Return back to Cheat Engine Memory Viewer
          13. Select 'Tool' → 'Auto Assemble'
          14. Paste the copied text into the text box
          15. Click 'Execute' → 'Yes' → 'OK'
          16. Search for address 458BE845893C408B
          (Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
          *Credits to Spyke
          17. Right click on the results and Select 'Disassemble this memory region'
          18. Right click on the entry and Choose 'Go to address'
          19. Copy the address in the Generator 2
          20. Click 'Generate'. Copy the text box
          21. Return back to Cheat Engine Memory Viewer
          22. Select 'Tool' → 'Auto Assemble'
          23. Paste the copied text into the text box
          24. Click 'Execute' → 'Yes' → 'OK'
          25. Now when you brush your pet, you gain more coins than normal.

          Generator 1:

          Generator 2:


          Farmville // FarmHelper 1.07beta

          Posted by infinite hax

          Click here to play Farmville

          Credits: FarmHelper

          FarmHelper just updated their FarmHelper - a free FarmVille Bot. You can try it by downloading Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
          (To download in Link 2, just key the number at the right hand corner and click on the button below. See screenshot below.)

          After installing, you must login your facebook in FarmHelper for it to work.

          The lite version will help you see, harvest and help neighbours.

          The Pro Version will actually plow the entire farm for you and specify the stuff specifically what you want to harvest.

          Try it, it is fun.

          And I would like to extend my thanks to these people in the team too for creating such a wonderful bot.

          1.Armin Plax Plakalo
          2.Gavin Polding
          4.Ian Glowz
          5.Correio (malefarmhelper)
          6.Martin Szutner
          7.Ronaldo Amaral
          8.AzraeltrNiko Seppänen

          Truly love the FarmHelper Team!


          Restaurant City // Free Carrot Cake Recipe

          Posted by infinite hax

          Click to play Restaurant City.

          Credits: justin (賈斯汀)

          1. To check if you are eligible for the free recipe, go to http://bit.ly/6gnyu8
          2. You will see this screen if you are eligible.

          3. You will then have to "Be a Fan" by clicking the button as indicated in the screenshot.

          4. Then access http://bit.ly/6gnyu8 again.
          5. You will get your free recipe!

          Have fun!

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