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Treasure Hunt Round 2

Posted by infinite hax Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Round 2 has ended. Congrats to Dez for winning and I hope everyone had nearly as much fun as him in deciphering the clues and getting the answer.


Round 2: Follow the clues given and instructions and you will arrive at the answer. First to comment WINS.
Clue: http://www.pwnthis.net/2010/06/treasure-hunt-round-2.html

You will end up on this page. And you will see this lonely question mark. Click it omg! It's lonely!

 You will land on a page with only ONE image. If you have been a reader long enough, you would know images are always bordered in black. So those words are just words in an image!
That 1 simple image carries 2 clues. Hovering on the image tells you the image name. "imfast"
Put that "imfast" into the ????? and you get
And your answer. I hope everyone had fun. More rounds will come and they will be tougher!
Dez won these prizes:

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