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Farm Country // All in 1 cheat

Posted by infinite hax Wednesday, January 27, 2010

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Credits: Norkies23 @r2o

This cheat works the same way as the Sky City cheat. So aspiring cheaters, just play around with the values.

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • charles 3.4.1
  • firefox
  • flash 10
  1. Open charles
  2. Go into Farm Country (click to play)
  3. In charles, search for the url "games.mmo2.myfarmvillage.com"
  4. Expand > Expand definitions, Expand till you see 'buildings', 'plants', 'avatar'
  5. Right click Buildings and select Breakpoints
  6. Refresh Farm Country. Game freeze. Breakpoint tab appears
  7. In charles, click execute (bottom right)
  8. "Edit response' tab will appear. Click it (top right) 
  9. Click HTML tab (bottom right)
  10. Now change the 'coinReward', 'plantXP' values to 999999.
    What these values does is when you purchase that building, you will gain that amount of exp or when you sell the building, you will get that amount of coins.
    You can also change the "level' to 1 so that you can purchase it at level 1, or change the 'coins' to 1 so that it only cost 1 coin to purchase.
  11. Click back on the session tab and remove the Breakpoint
  12. Click back on the Breakpoint tab and click Execute
  13. Game continues loading and you can now enjoy your new coins. Remember to save! click here

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