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Nightclub City // Items Cheats

Posted by infinite hax Saturday, May 29, 2010

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Credits: zcmiko@pwnthis

Seems like some of you guys missed out on the previous Billions coins cheat on Nightclub City, so for those who wants to own all those 5million dollars decors, just follow the steps and be on your way to the king of nightclubs.

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
  • cheat engine
  • firefox

  1. Go to Nightclub city. [click to play]
  2. As an example, buy 4 tablebars,place it inside your inventory.
  3. In cheatengine, scan '4' in 4bytes. Now you'll see a couple of addresses.
  4. Now place 1 bar back in your club. Now there's 3 bars.
  5. Go back to cheat engine and scan '3' in 4bytes.
  6. If there's still couple of addresses,put 1 tablebar back in your club. Now you have '2' tablebars left in your inventory.
  7. Go back to cheat engine and scan '2'. (This time,im sure 1 address will be left, else repeat till only 1 left!)
  8. Double click on the address and edit the value of the address to 99.
  9. Remove the last tablebar and you'll notice that you have 99 tablebars now.
  10. Sell all the bars until there's only 1 left. 
  11. Then go back to cheatengine and edit the value again to 99. And sell it again if you want cash.
You can do this in any items you want.

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